Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Narcolepsy is uncommon and misunderstood.

Narcolepsy is uncommon and misunderstood. Most people know what Cystic Fibrosis is even though CF is less common than narcolepsy. Most people understand how debilitating Multiple Sclerosis yet most people don't understand that narcolepsy is just as debilitating a disability as MS and just as common. The general public values narcolepsy more as a punch line than as a real and rare disease. Inaccurate fictional comedic depictions of narcolepsy in the media have led most people to mistakenly believe that narcoleptics are people who suddenly fall asleep mid sentence while remaining standing and then awaken suddenly and are clueless as to what just happened. Newly diagnosed adults narcoleptics often find their struggles are more likely to be viewed as anxious plagiarisms of "real" biological disorders than to be viewed as challenging problems caused by a serious chronic disease.

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