This is a very serious problem.If your other physicians say they know about NC you can't be sure. These are physicians other than your sleep Dr. It makes no difference if they say they treat someone with NC . If they're a neurologist and have a few patients with NC watch out.
They're judging your NC by their other patients with NC. Everyone's NC is so different why oh why don't these other Drs know that? What would have happened to me if I hadn't been diagnosed with NC is frightening . I never realized how lucky I was to have gone to Dr. G in 2001.
Keeping up with and correcting Dr. mistakes is disheartening. Today I just found out I had childhood ADD without hyperactivity. Since my Dad was a surgeon surprised he missed that . This particular Dr knew I had NC but he obviously didn't know enough. No telling what he thought when I was having cataplexy during one of my office visits. He wanted to know if they needed to call an ambulance. Why oh why can't they even get my med information right . Giving them my medical information page just doesn't seem to work .
Most Drs don't have time to keep up with current information on NC . It's not a just a minor sleep disorder. It's a brain disease.
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