Thursday, October 19, 2017

It's a problem

When you're filling out a new patient neurological form from Emory and it doesn't list cataplexy anywhere, that's a problem.  When you see a neurologist and they have to leave the room to look up cataplexy, that's a problem.

Narcolepsy Cataplexy is a hypothalamic disease, which means it is a neurological disease.  Yes, laughing and being surprised, along with stress can trigger a cataplectic attack, but it is not caused by a psychological problem, it is caused by a diseased hypothalamus.

Your hormones and the Hypothalamus

Physicians not comfortable diagnosing NC

Circadian Rhythm Discoveries

Brainy Hormones

Overview of the Hypothalamus

Hypothalamic Disease

Narcolepsy Cataplexy is a rare hypothalamic disease.